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Acorn 2024 - 2025

Mrs Falloon

Welcome to Acorn Class!

In Acorn class we are taught by Mrs Falloon, Miss Phillips and Mrs Marland.

As well as learning through the Foundation Stage curriculum, we also talk about our interests so that they can be included in the planning. Our learning is then based on activities that are impacted by the things we like to do and play with.

In Acorn class we quickly become familiar with the adults and children and feel confident to ask for help with things we find difficult or are unsure of. We learn a few Nursery rules and routines that enable us to play safely with our friends, share resources and look after each other. We also start to become a little more independent with our coats and jumpers as well as choosing from a selection of healthy foods for snack and lunch.

We sing lots of counting rhymes and poems which help us to become familiar with numbers up to 5 and then to 10. We have numbers all around our classroom and we learn to recognise and write them.  We then move onto counting groups of objects and matching the numeral and quantity. We talk about all the different shapes we see around us and go on shape hunts in order to compare and name 2d then 3d shapes.

We love mark making in Acorn class! We learn to recognise and write our name and practise in materials such as sand, flour and glitter. We also use the pens, pencils and paper that are in every area, as well as the easel to paint and chalk on and our large interactive touch screen. We learn about sounds and become familiar with R W Inc rhymes, actions and routines that help prepare us for reception.

We like to fully involve our parents in our learning. We use an online assessment program for our learning journeys called Tapestry. Our parents can access this from home to see what we have been doing during the week and can also upload their own photos and comments about the learning we do at home.

In our warm and caring Nursery we have a safe, fun and stimulating environment where we can grow into confident learners and develop lifelong skills.

Read Write Inc Sound Pronuncication

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