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Beech 2024 - 2025

Miss Lunny

Welcome to Year 4!

Beech class is a happy group of 30 children taught by Miss Lunny,

This year we will be studying a creative curriculum that is underpinned by values, rights and equality.  In the autumn term, we will be learning about Africa across all areas of the curriculum. We will be finding out where Africa is and we will journey to Ancient Egypt to discover how different the civilization was in this period. We will learn about Nelson Mandela and how lives improved due to his sacrifices. Later this term, we will be visiting Liverpool World Museum!

Our science curriculum covers states of matter; living things and their habitats; animals including humans; electricity and sound. We will begin the year learning about living things and their environments. Our art unit for Autumn term will be Plant Art’ where we will focus on how different artists create depth their artwork. In RE, the children will learn about Judaism and Christinaity and will visit the beautiful synagogue in Liverpool.

We will be following the mastery approach in our Maths and English curriculum. Our lessons will be connected to our topic work as much as possible in order make our learning stimulating and meaningful.

I am very much looking forward to a busy and exciting year!

Miss Lunny

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