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Concordia MAT

Concordia Multi Academy Trust

Childer Thornton Primary School is part of Concordia Multi Academy Trust. Concordia Multi Academy Trust is a close-knit family of academies that collaborate, develop best practice and work strategically with each other to improve the education of children. The Trust provides guidance and oversight on teaching and learning outcomes whilst centralising activities that can prove a distraction from this.

Concordia’s open approach to collaboration means we can facilitate best practice and vital expertise can be shared across the Trust community. Within the Trust we have a wide range of expertise including: English Hub, mastery specialists for maths, SENCO support, specialist leaders in early years, literacy, subject and year group networking.

At present, we have over 2000 children supported by over 380 staff across eight primary Academies. Click here to learn more about our Trust. If you would like to contact Concordia Multi Academy Trust, please click here.