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At Childer Thornton we believe that all pupils have the right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment. We do not tolerate bullying in any form.  As a school we embrace individuality and embrace those qualities that make us unique. This has been reflected in our school being awarded SMSC Gold for the second time in July 2023. Our SMSC verifier commented:

‘The school provides a happy, safe, and stimulating environment in which staff and children can thrive. Positive relationships are evident throughout the school. I know you are, quite rightly, proud of all that the school offers its pupils and the wider community’ (July 2023)

We place strong emphasis on our ‘HeartSmart’ approach in PSHE, our ‘No Outsiders’ ethos and our ‘rights of the child ’ charter around school and these all feed into our anti-bullying message. Discrete lessons on bullying are taught through Heartsmart annd anti-bullying week but there is constant reference to the anti-bullying message throughout the year in class and through assemblies. Our pupil voice tells us that this has a huge impact on the children in our school and children regularly refer to ‘No Outsiders’ and the ‘rights of the child’ during all aspects of the school day.

Bullying can take different forms. It could include:

  • physical bullying: hitting, slapping or pushing someone

  • verbal bullying: name calling, gossiping or threatening someone

  • non-verbal abuse: hand signs or text messages

  • emotional abuse: threatening, intimidating or humiliating someone

  • exclusion: ignoring or isolating someone

  • undermining, constant criticism or spreading rumours

  • controlling or manipulative behaviour

  • making silent, hoax or abusive calls.

The following types of bullying are also hate crimes:

  • racial, sexual, transphobic or homophobic bullying

  • bullying someone because they have a disability.

Learn more here: NSPCC Bullying and Cyberbullying

If you are a parent with concerns about bullying, contact school school.

Are you being bullied and you are not sure how to tell an adult,? You can contact Childline:
