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Sycamore 2024 - 2025

Miss Silcox

Mrs Hughes

Welcome to Year 3!

Miss Silcox and Mrs Hughes are our class teachers. Miss Silcox works Monday-Wednesday and Mrs Hughes works Wednesday-Friday.

For English and Maths, we are taking on a mastery approach that will have strong links to our class topic and school values.


Please read as often as you can as it helps all aspects of learning. In year 3, children can take a more active role in their green reading diaries and begin to write their own comments. To continue progressing with fluency and performance voice, we do ask that adults still listen to the children reading aloud regularly. 

TTRockstars- this is best done little and often. As a minimum, we ask the children to play 15 minutes a week but more if possible. Numbots is also fantastic to help solidify number fact knowledge.

Spanish will be taught by Mrs Lewis every other Wednesday afternoon.

PE is every Wednesday afternoon! It will be delivered by Mr Grooms. However, opportunities for extra slots may pop up so please bring kits in on a Monday and leave in school until Friday. 

Units of Study

Autumn- Blue Planet

Studying bodies of water and the local area with a focus on how they are being polluted.

Spring- Adrift

Focus on refugees. Looking at why people become refugees and how countries are helping.

Summer- Through the ages

A history study from the Stone Age through to Iron age. 

We are really looking forward to working with your children this year! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you in advance for all your support,

Mrs Hughes and Miss Silcox

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